Win Php10,000 Shopping Spree at Marithe Francois Girbaud Anniversary Promo

Come and celebrate with the 20 Years of Marithe Francois Girbaud Philippines this month of May! As they giving away Php10,000 Shopping Spree for the 20,000th Marithe Francois Girbaud FB Page Liker. All you need to do is simply follow mechanics below.
- Participant must like M+FG on Facebook (
- Participant must share this photo and tag 20 unique friends with the hashtag #20YearsofGirbaudPH. (Important: Tagged unique friends should not be the same and should not tag each other just for the sake of winning.)
- All posts must be made public in order to be viewed and qualified.
- This contest is open to Philippine residents of at least 18 years old & above.
- Only one entry per person. Failure to comply will be subject to disqualification.
- 20,000th liker who complies to the given rules will win Php10,000 Shopping Spree worth of M+FG Gift Certificates.
- If the 20,000th liker did not follow the instructions given, we shall proceed to the next liker.
- Contest will end until it hits 20,000 likes on Facebook.
You can also check our Unlipromo Facebook Page for the latest feeds and more exciting offers.
Visit Marithe Francois Girbaud Facebook page for more details and latest updates.