Timex September Selfie Contest – Win Timex Watch

Join the Timex September Selfie Contest and have a chance to win a Timex Watch! Contest runs from September 20, 2013 until September 29, 2013 at 12mn. The announcement of the winners is on September 30, 2013 at 5:00pm. Read mechanics below.
- Take a selfie with your Timex watch in the most creative and original way you can think of.
- On your post, please mention us on Facebook (Timex Philippines), Instagram (timexph), or on Twitter (timexph) and don’t forget to include the hashtag #TimexSeptemberSelfie
- You can post photos of your everyday activity– from home, school, work or anyplace you’ve been to with your Timex watch. Make sure that you share the spotlight with your Timex watch!
- You can post multi-entries in a day as long as DIFFERENT watches are featured. (i.e. 1 person 3 different watch entries).
- The most creative photo and catchy reason will win!
- The best photo from all the entries will win a Timex Watch. 5 runner-ups will also get Timex goodies. Remember, management decision is final.
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