National Bookstore Trip to Hong Kong Disneyland Promo

Make your wish come true! Join the National Bookstore Trip to Hong Kong Disneyland Promo and get a chance to win a family trip to Hong Kong Disneyland with every purchase worth P1,000 of any book marked with the Disney sticker from November 1 to December 31, 2013 in all National Book Store and Powerbooks branches.
The grand prize winner will receive a family trip to Hong Kong that includes the following: four round-trip airfare, three-night hotel accommodation for four and four Hong Kong Disneyland tour passes for two days. Ten consolation prize winners will receive Disney toys and products.
- Customers get one (1) raffle ticket with every purchase worth P1,000 of any Disney book marked with the Disney Sticker at any National, Bestsellers and Powerbook branches from November 1 to December 31, 2013.
- Upon any valid transaction, cashier will stamp the receipt as VALID FOR PROMO. Customer must present his official receipt to the customer service representative to get his raffle ticket/s. Receipts will be stamped CLAIMED upon release of the raffle ticket/s.
- Customer must fill out the raffle ticket with following details
- Complete Name
- Address
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Signature
- Drop raffle tickets at drop box located at the customer service counter.
- Deadline of Submission – December 31, 2013
- Raffle Draw – January 10, 2014
- Grand Prize: One (1) winner of a family trip to Hong Kong that includes the following:
- Four (4) roundtrip airfare
- 3 nights Hotel accommodation for four (4)
- Four (4) Hongkong Disneyland Tour passes for 2 days
- Consolation Prize: Ten (10) winners of Disney toys and products package
*Promo is applicable to customers who are residents of the Republic of the Philippines
See posters for complete details. Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 5543, Series of 2013.
Visit National Book Store Facebook page for more details and latest updates