Globe Prepaid GoUNLI30 Promo Plus FREE CHAT

Get FREE one day access to the popular chat apps with Globe Prepaid GoUNLI30 for only 30 pesos! Enjoy UNLI Calls to Globe and TM, UNLI ALL-Net Texts, and UnliChat to Viber, FB Messenger, Kakao Talk, and to four of the other best chat apps.
How to Register to Globe GoUNLI30:
To register, simply text GOUNLI30 to 8888.
OR simply dial *143# and choose GoSAKTO!
Validity: 1 day
Price: Php 30
Loaded with:
- Unlimited calls and text Globe and TM subscribers
- UNLI ALL-Net Texts
- Plus FREE UNLI Chat using the following Chat Apps (No WiFi Needed):
- Viber Chat
- FB Messenger
- Kakaotalk
Visit Globe Telecom Facebook page for more details and latest updates.