EastWest Dream Travel Promo Mechanics


Any travel plans this summer? How about a trip to Hong Kong with your special someone? Join the EastWest Dream Travel Promo and get a chance to win 3 days and 2 nights Hong Kong Holiday for 2! Promo runs until April 15, 2014.

1. Like the EastWest Bank Facebook page
2. Register via Dream Travel Promo App
3. Upload your best Travel photo with your partner
4. Vote!

20% – Number of Votes
30% – Quality (Photographic quality & adherence to the theme)
50% – Creativity (Composition of the photo)
100% – Total

There will be One (1) monthly winner:

  • Two (2) Round Trip tickets to Hong Kong + 3D/2N Hotel Accommodation
  • Pre-loaded Travel Money Card in HK $ worth Php 10,000.

*Prize does not include Travel tax and other surcharges

EastWest Dream Travel Promo Mechanics

Visit EastWest Dream Travel  App for full promo details and EastWest Bank Facebook Facebook page for latest updates.

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