Caltex Win RAV 4 or P100,000 worth of fuel daily

Hey Caltex fans! Here’s an exciting new promotion that will surely send you driving-off to the nearest Caltex station.
If you’re a Visa cardholder, a minimum Php1,000 single-receipt fuel and/or lubricant purchase gives you the chance to win any of these awesome prizes: Php100,000-worth of fuel in our daily draws OR a brand new Toyota RAV 4 with Php100,000-worth of free fuel in the grand draw. Promo runs from August 1 – September 30, 2013.
• Daily Draws
1 winner of P100,000 worth of StarCash Fuel Cards for 30 days (from August 19 to September 27, 2013 Mon-Fri only).
• Grand Draw
1 winner of Toyota RAV 4 with P100,000 worth of StarCash Fuel Cards
Visit Caltex Philippines Facebook page for more details and latest updates.