Join the #BibongBaby Photo Contest, simply submit the cutest and happiest photo of your #BibongBaby holding a McDonald’s Happy Meal box and get the chance to win a celebration blowout from McDonald’s McCelebrations!

Submission of entries per week is from Monday 4pm to Thursday 4pm. Take note that your entries are subject for approval. Voting starts on Thursday 4pm to Monday 12nn. Announcement of Winners will be every Monday, 3pm. Contest runs from November 4-28 2013.


  1. Take the cutest, happiest most photogenic photo of your #BibongBaby holding McDonald’s Happy Meal box and you’re ready to join!
  2. Like the Baby Expo Philippines page on Facebook and go to the #BibongBaby application. Remember that only kids from 3 – 6 years old are qualified to join.
  3. In the application, choose photo then upload the cutest photo of your #BibongBaby. Photo entries will be uploaded every week at the Baby Expo Philippines Facebook Page.
  4. The most #BibongBaby of the week, Photo Category will be selected through online voting at the #BibongBaby Facebook Application. Weekly winners will win exciting prizes from McDonald’s.
  5. From the weekly winners, the grand winner will be determined from:
    • 20% of the total points will be from total votes
    • 80% will be from our panel of judges

BibongBaby Photo Contest 2013

Visit the #BibongBaby Photo Contest Kiddie Edition App for more details and Baby Expo Philippines Facebook page for the latest updates.

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