LG Smart Snaps Promo 2013 – Mechanics

Join the LG Smart Snaps Promo and get a chance to win LG Pocket Photo Smart Mobile Printer. The promo is open to all Facebook users who “LIKE” The LG Electronics Philippines fan page. Promo runs from October 14 – November 23, 2013
- User needs to “LIKE” the LG Electronics Philippines fan page so he’she can access the LG Pocket Photo: Smart Snaps App
- Fill up the following details needed:
- Name
- Email Address
- Birthday
- Telephone/ Mobile Number
- Complete Mailing Address
- Upload the best photo that best answers the challenge for the week, with a short description of their photo entry.
- 5 winners will be picked at the end of the promo period. Every 2 weeks, there will be a Question on how the participants can use the LG Pocket Photo. Winners will get an LG Pocket Photo each.
- Criteria of Judging
- 50% – Relevance to the theme
- 20% – Total number of likes
- 30% – Creativity
- 100% – Total
- All entries will be assigned a uniques code and will have a chance to win in the raffle draw. Entries will be raffled off electronically through the TRUE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR Program. There will be 3 winners in the raffle draw. Winner will get an LG Pocket Photo each.
*Entries submitted within the specified draw date will only be qualified for that Raffle Draw
*LG reserves the right to conduct further validation of entries before acceptance and awarding of prize
- November 23, 2013 – Cut-off for the sumbitting of entries and earning raffle entries for the raffle draw
- November 27, 2013 – Announcement of Winners
Visit and access the LG Electronics Philippines APP for more promo details and FB Page for the latest updates.